Entries from 2015-01-01 to 1 year

Reminiscing With Grace Coddington

Before this month, if you wanted a copy of Grace Coddington's 2002 retrospective, Grace: Thirty Years of Fashion at Vogue, you'd have to shell out thousands of dollars. It was never meant to be limited edition, but the original run of only…

Frederick celebrates Stamp Act repudiation 250 years later

As the procession of Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution and the Frederick Town Fife and Drum Corps wound through downtown Frederick on Saturday, the crowd of people tagging along continued to grow in size. Downtown shoppers in h…

Latin Grammys: Roselyn Sanchez promises a lot of music, a lot of fun and a lot of dresses

A few years ago, Roselyn Sanchez received a Latin Grammy nomination for her song “Amor Amor” and, ever since, she holds the annual award ceremony close to her heart. For several years now, the “Devious Maids” actress has been a presenter, …

FIVE TO FAB: Maternity Fashion

I've learned the hard way that looking good while pregnant takes a lot of little tricks and tips. How so? Well, since I work in TV, I knew I'd have bright lights and that additional few pounds the "camera adds" to contend with, along with …

The British Standby Who’s Out to Conquer America

Thanks to Muhammad Ali, plenty of people think that the name of Jane Lewis’s clothing line, Goat, is an acronym for Greatest of All Time. In fact, it was so named because of the collection’s early emphasis on cashmere, but Lewis said she’s…

This iconic nightclub is selling Sting’s T-shirts

In the late ’70s, “New York was dangerous, dead and dirty,” recalls Fred Schneider, frontman of new-wave band the B-52s. But places like the Mudd Club, where Schneider was a regular, made it so much fun. Less famous than CBGB, the Tribeca …

Locals come together to celebrate Hindu New Year

Milin Patel gathered up the young men of the family inside the Anniston Meeting Center on Saturday night and asked them to serve food. Hundreds — most of them Patels now living in the area with roots in western India — were in line for the…

Digital Media Maven Jennifer Puno Modernizes the Traditional Tomboy Vibe

Welcome to Style Crush, a new biweekly feature that shines a light on LA's best-dressed rising stars. Jennifer Puno loves creatives. But like, really. She even co-founded a digital classifieds site and called it I Love Creatives since it's…

First look: Maria Pinto's new M2057 storefront

Walk into Maria Pinto's new shop in the West Loop and a black orchid dress triggers flashbacks of a famous grape sheath she designed almost a decade ago — one that favored Michelle Obama more simply and memorably than any other since her h…

Pesach Tikvah Social Service Agency Hosts Emotional Holocaust Reunion

In April, 1945, U.S. pilot Alan Golub performed a simple act of kindness whose long-term ramifications he could never have anticipated. That month, Mr. Golub found himself face to face with the horrors of the Holocaust. Serving with the Am…

The Secret To This High-End Athleisure Site's Success

Fashion and fitness — both are fields in which being aspirational is the key to sell-out success (whether it's clothing or classes being purchased en masse). Luxury fitness e-comm Carbon38 has been betting big on that approach, specificall…

Android 6 “Marshmallow” & SEO Series: Sponsored Google Now Cards

It is unclear exactly how the user tracking works, but it is likely just based on a user’s web browsing history. This Sponsored Google Now card could have been triggered in a more conventional way with cookies stored from Google Shopping, …

My Path To Trans Motherhood

On a Sunday last spring, after locking up the office at my old job, I turned into the hall and saw a little girl. She was eight or nine, and wore a hair band that glistened with purple sequins. The girl was alone – I could make out some ad…

Create your own healthy holiday traditions

Many people experience cabin fever during the winter months, craving fresh air and activity. That can be double trouble when people struggle to keep their weight down amid all the extra calories. "It's so important in the winter to find wa…

In bridesmaid rom-coms, friendships are just as important as romance

Welcome to Wedding Guest Wednesday, an occasional feature in which Solo-ish explores the joys and woes of attending other people’s weddings. Because it’s not all about the happy couple — it’s a big day for guests as well. Phew! I just fini…

OUR TOWN: Mother and daughter enjoy Civil War-era history, garb

Mary Rollins, 62, and her 83-year-old mother, Trudy Wilson, fell in love with Civil War history about 38 years ago. Rollins left Wyoming in 1980 and resettled in Platte City, where she met a historian and developed an interest in the Civil…

Casa Valentina

The lights come up on Thomas Derrah as the macho George in the SpeakEasy Stage Company production of Casa Valentina. As his conversation with his wife unfolds, we see George changing out of his suit and into something more comfortable…wome…

The marrying kind: 'Cookie' fills void by marrying couples of all types

They traveled more than 100 miles from a Tennessee jewelry store after hearing about the woman with the unique name who conducted same-sex unions at a law office in downtown Decatur. Walking hand in hand down Second Avenue, the men, partne…

Halloween spending down overall, but rises for pets

More than 157 million Americans plan to celebrate Halloween this year and total spending should reach $6.9 billion. But many appear to be a bit spooked over the economy. The average person who celebrates the holiday Saturday will spend $74…

7 Reasons I Shop At Thrift Stores Almost Exclusively

There are some folks out there who can't resist the urge to wrinkle their noses at the mention of thrift shopping, but I have seven steadfast reasons why I shop second hand. Like most great love affairs, my relationship with thrift stores …

At the First InStyle Awards, Everyone Wins

LOS ANGELES — What if there were an awards show where everyone was a winner?This was the conceit of the first InStyle Awards dinner on Monday night, which celebrated the fabulous-looking celebrities who grace the magazine’s glossy pages, a…

Win Halloween by Renting Your Costume From a Local Theater

Why buy a mass-produced costume when you can rent a one-of-a-kind period outfit from a local theater? Want to win the best costume contest at this year's Halloween party? Of course you do. Forget those sad outfits in plastic packaging and …

The Walking Dead Awards: You’re getting home

Each week, we comb through the guts of The Walking Dead, much like a horde of hungry walkers, to bring you the episode’s best moments, surprises, and other post-apocalyptic curiosities. This week: Remedial Survivor Skills, Greif Counseling…

Spectre review – another stellar outing for Bond

There has been much whining in the run-up to the release of this latest Bond outing – from the strangulated cry of Sam Smith’s wailing theme tune (and the reaction it provoked) to the sound of leading man Daniel Craig complaining that he w…

Jones & Jones to close after more than 40 years at Cross Keys

For more than four decades, some of the region's most high-profile women have shopped at the Jones & Jones boutique in Cross Keys. Come December, they'll have to find a new source for designer clothes and accessories. The boutique known fo…

Finger Lakes council makes $500M pitch

ALBANY - When the members of the Finger Lakes regional council traveled to the state’s capital city Wednesday to make their pitch for $500 million, even their outfits were on message. Clad in dark coats or dresses with deep red ties or acc…

All hail the Queen of Rockabilly: Wanda Jackson plays Saint Rocke

In the last twenty years, the “Queen of Rockabilly,” Wanda Jackson, has rightfully been crowned a legend beyond the niche of the rockabilly scene itself. She’s headlined major music festivals, such as Stagecoach, and played alongside young…

Advertise with us Report this ad CenterPoint offers sighs and thrills with 'Aida'

CENTERVILLE — The only thing better than seeing live theater is seeing live theater with a full house. Such was the case Thursday night at CenterPoint Legacy Theatre’s “Aida,” which runs through Oct. 31. Based on the Egyptian love triangle…

Naomi Shimada: ‘Why is plus a dirty word in fashion?’

I started modelling when I was just 13. I was shooting sexy before I even kissed a boy. That’s something the industry doesn’t warn you about – that you always have to be what someone else wants you to be, whether that is a sexy seductress …

After Working in Fashion for 2 Decades, This Shirt Designer Knows What Women Want

Kara Mendelsohn first explained her label Cooper & Ella to me over lunch in Hells Kitchen. She offered me a few fries off her plate, while explaining the story of why she wanted to create a range of nice shirts. Made from machine-washable …